DON'T HATE THE SUN

It's the winter of 1870. Brigida's parents have been killed during a bloody rebellion in the north of Ireland. Together with her uncle and other members of her family, she flees to America, under the protection of her cousin Ailin's fiancé, the rich and handsome Ethan Mills.
Only days before Ailin’s wedding, Brigida is kidnapped during an ambush. Why Brigida? It's a question that continues to torment Ailin, who is forced to postpone her wedding. Was she kidnapped by white slavers? Has she been forced into prostitution?
Until one day, Ethan Mills buys a Redskin slave from a group of thugs. Why is the Indian wearing Brigida's locket? What is the dark, mysterious Kohan hiding?

                                                    NO ODIES EL SOL

En el invierno de 1870 la joven Brígida pierde a sus padres durante una sangrienta revuelta que tiene lugar en Irlanda del Norte. Junto con su tío y otros miembros de la familia huye hacia América bajo la protección del rico y atractivo Ethan Mills, futuro esposo de su prima Ailin. Durante los preparativos para la boda, Brígida es víctima de una bien organizada emboscada y es raptada por un grupo de bandidos. ¿Por qué justamente ella? Se pregunta la dulce Ailin, obligada a posponer su boda. ¿Qué haya terminado en un sucio tráfico de mujeres vendidas como esclavas o prostitutas? Pero un día Ethan compra a un pielroja capturado por unos malandrines. ¿Por qué el indio trae consigo el medallón de Brígida? Qué esconde el tenebroso pero fascinante Kohan?

                                                      FLOWERS IN THE RUBBLE

1922, in a small village in the area of central Italy known as the Ciociaria, bathed by the green waters of the river Liri and framed by the Aurunci mountains, Filomena suddenly loses everything she holds dear, her parents. After the death of her mother during the Spanish 'flu outbreak, her father decides to leave the country and seek his fortune abroad, never to return. Raised by her elderly grandparents, Filomena endures hardship and hunger in an era when illiteracy is still widespread. As she grows into a beautiful young woman, she is forced to make painful personal sacrifices when she finds work in the capital city and leaves her village in the hope of improving her miserable circumstances.
Beguiled by life in the big city, despite her initial feelings of distrust, Filomena is still willing to believe in love until she comes face to face with betrayal and the prejudices of the time and eventually decides to return home.
There she finds herself caught up in the Second World War, as her village lies directly along the German Gustav line.
Will she find the strength to rise from the ashes and survive death and destruction?
"Flowers in the Rubble" is Monica Maratta's first novel and was inspired by events in the life of her beloved paternal grandmother and the inhabitants of the village where she was born and raised.
A bitter-sweet novel set in a time when love smelled of sugar and cinnamon, bitterness and dust, in a time when Italy was governed by a reckless and ill-equipped regime, Filomena shows strength and courage, in her struggle to survive and keep her distant, long-time love close to her heart.


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Il convento di San Bartolomeo, Piancastagnaio (Siena).

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